Community Open House Summary | Downtown Rochester BID

Downtown Rochester BID Community Open House

On December 13, 2023, the Partnership for Downtown Rochester held a second public meeting to solicit input on the Draft District Plan for a potential Business Improvement District (BID) for downtown Rochester. The meeting was held in the Kate Gleason Auditorium at the Central Library, and consisted of an open house format where participants could provide their individual feedback at each of nine stations, each staffed by a facilitator.

The Partnership for Downtown Rochester (PDR) prepared a Draft District Plan to outline the governance, funding, services, and execution of a Downtown Rochester BID that can be supported by a majority of property owners in the district, for consideration by the Rochester City Council.

Attendees were welcomed by the project team and encouraged to sign in and then interact with each of the nine stations located around the room. A facilitator was present at each station to take notes and attendees could write down their own input at one of the stations. Staff, board members, BID Formation Committee members, and consultants were present to answer questions and record feedback from meeting attendees.

A summary of feedback from the Community Open House is available here.


What can BIDs do? | Examples from Across the Country


Watch: Local Voices